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Two Is Better Than One

We made an addition to our family! Everyone please welcome Nellie (Nel) to our home.


Nel is 8 weeks old just like Winnie but much smaller. Nel weighs about 10lbs while Winnie weighs 17lbs. We did our research and we knew deep down that pigs do better in pairs so we decided to get Nel for Winnie to have a friend and we will never regret it!

Why Two Pigs Are Better Than One

Pigs are social animals. They live in herds and they have to have a herd whether they are a single pig or a multiple pig family. They will establish their herd and then find the pecking order. So if you are a single pig household you, your family, and your other pets are your pig's herd and that is why it is so important to establish dominance roles so your pig does not become or try to become top hog. A lot of behavioral issues are known to come from a single pig household. This can stem from boredom that is being portrayed as aggression, the pig trying to become top hog, or loneliness that is being portrayed as aggression, and many more reason. This does not mean if you have an only pig your pig is doomed to get aggressive, this is just information that has been stated as far as single pig households. What it really comes down as to why having two pigs is better than one is because you are giving your pig its own herd. A pig has it's own language that only another pig can speak. A lot of people say single pigs will eventually get lonely in their lifetime and I believe it. It would kill me to go through my life never being able to talk to someone who speaks my same language. You can get your pig a companion such as a cat, a dog (though they aren't the best companions), a bird, a rabbit, etc, but it is not the same as giving your pig another pig. Though the companionship and friendship may be there you can never match what having another pig will do for your pig. Though it may not seem like it in the beginning, it will make your pig happier. It will make your pig more active, which is always healthier, give your pig a lifelong friendship and love, give your pig a friend to actually play with, and so much more. Giving your pig another pig is the best thing you can do.

Winnie and Nel

What Adding A Second Pig Does For Your Pig

When you add a second pig to your family you may think the work doubles but in all reality the work actually lessens for you in the department of having to entertain your pig. Your pig now has a friend and the two pigs easily entertain each other. This tremendously reduces the boredom your single pig feels because she now has a friend to occupy her. It is known that this reduces destructive behavior as well since they are not bored and looking for something to get into. Behavioral issues are known to dramatically lessen when you have two pigs versus when you have only one. This is because your pig does not have as much pent up boredom and frustration as it does when it is a single pig. It finally has someone to communicate to, someone to play with, someone to establish herd ranking, and someone to be with her so she is not lonely when you can't occupy her or be there. This will dramatically reduce behavioral issues because those often arise from a pig who is trying to establish dominance or a frustrated pig. When you have two pigs, those two pigs establish their pecking order together. One becomes top hog and the other falls in rank. Knowing their rank in the pig herd helps lessen the chances of them trying to challenge you for the top hog position. This does not mean you don't need to assert yourself as top hog over both of them, establish rules and boundaries, and practice techniques such as move the pig. You still need to be top hog over both pigs, but the pigs having their own pecking order helps with them wanting to challenge others. They know their place in pig language so why challenge others. Now as they age they may challenge each other every now and then so the pig that is not top hog can attempt to become top hog, but if you keep a strict structure and ensure you are actually the top hog of them both, they may not challenge each other again at all. I can tell you, Winnie was constantly challenging our dogs, biting them, and asserting her dominance. But since we brought Nel home, and after Winnie established herself as top hog, she has not messed with the dogs once. She leaves them alone. She feels a sense of security in herself knowing she is top hog over Nel and that is enough for her. She also knows I am top hog over both of them and that challenging the dogs will not be tolerated. She is also now as bored as she was as a single pig because Nel is always by her side. So without the boredom she is not looking to get into anything and that includes messing with the dogs. Two pigs give a friendship that only two pigs can accomplish, this results in happier pigs and a happier life with your pigs.

Winnie and Nel Outside

What Having Two Pigs Does For You

Do you ever feel a sense of guilt leaving your single pig at home alone while you go out to go to work, shop, run errands, etc? Yes, so did I. I even felt guilty leaving Winnie outside for extended periods of time by herself because she was all alone. Well when you add a second pig this guilt instantly goes away because now they have each other. They will still want and need your time and attention, but if you can't give them attention or can't be there with them, they have each other now. I am returning to work on Friday and I was feeling so guilty about Winnie being in her pen by herself for the couple hours I was out of the house working. I will also be busier and won't be able to give her as much undivided attention that she has been getting. Now I feel so much better about it! Because now she has Nel to be with and she won't be all alone. This is the first positive of owning two pigs. The second positive is that your two pigs play and entertain each other, giving you a break. You will still have to monitor them to ensure no undesirable behaviors are being portrayed or that they aren't getting into something they shouldn't. But you won't have to constantly be entertaining your single pig anymore. You won't have to find them a thousand enrichment activities to keep them from being bored. You can give both pigs some enrichment activities to do because it is good for them, but the constant need for those activities is not there anymore. I've put frozen peas in Winnie's rooting box only once since Nel has been here and really only because I was feeling guilty that her normal routine changed. Did she need it, no not necessarily. Nel and Winnie kept each other busy all day just by being around each other that they both were pretty exhausted by the end of the day. I did not need to let Winnie root in her box or play with her bob-a-lot to get her tired for bed, she was already tired.

Winnie and Nel in Bed

Now does the work double when you get a second pig? Some of it does and some of it lessens. It is double the feedings, double the training, and you have to spend an ample amount of time bonding with your second pig. Training is the most important thing for pigs so you will need to spend double the time training both pigs. Nel came in extremely shy and under socialized so it is taking more time to bond with her than it did with Winnie. But time is what she needs so time and patience we are giving her. But it is really no extra work to feed two than it is feeding one. It might be double the food, but it's nothing too bad. Expense wise you need to consider that it is double the de-worming, vaccines, and vet visits. So make sure you are financially able to support two pigs. Also make sure you are zoned to have two pigs, some places only allow one pig per household.

It is a big decision to take on a second pig, but I highly recommend it. In the long run it makes your single pig happier and less lonely, making a better pig and thus a better household. Please do your research as far as introducing the second pig. has a great article about adding a second pig that I highly recommend reading. Rescues are overflowing with pigs so if you can consider it start looking at a rescue first. They know their pigs and will help you pick one they think is best for your current pig and your lifestyle.

Winnie and Nel

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