Today I went out and about on the town with my mom and little human!

We went to two different stores and the first store we went to was Tractor Supply. It was packed so I was able to get in a lot of socializing and learned that a lot of people is not as scary as I thought.
Then we headed to my mom's job for a little bit where I ran around with my little human. Her and I get into mischievous stuff together and it is so fun. After work my mom and her friend took us to Petco where, oh my gosh, so many people took my picture and asked to pet me. My mom held me while everyone loved on me and I was so well behaved. I let everyone pet me without complaining once.
Once we got back home I was so tired so I found the heating vent that flows out from under the couch and made myself comfortable.

It wasn't as comfortable as my bed and my little human was in the room my bed is in so I made my way into the living room to get extra comfortable with my little human. I have adjusted to her so well. It took some time and my mom monitoring my space with her but now we are best buds.
To end my night, after some training of course, I decided to go to bed in my kennel. My mom has been doing a lot of positive kennel training with me so I view my kennel as a good safe spot for me to go.

I am already excited for tomorrow because I guarantee I get to go on even more adventures or maybe have some nice outside time!