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So Many Adventures


I have been going non stop since my mom brought me home a little over a week ago and life is great!

I go to work everyday with my mom and have a blast. I get to root around outside while I practice my harness and leash walking and I have become quite good at this walking on a leash thing.

At home I play all day with my siblings and little human until I just can't play anymore and have to take a rest. My mom had her friend make me a rooting box that keeps me well entertained and tires me right out.

It's getting cold here in Arkansas so my mom made me a nice jacket and ordered me one from PigGear. I love them and they keep me cozy and warm outside especially at night when it is 30 degrees.

I love my entire family. Dad gives me the best belly rubs and I love my little human so much I spend a majority of my day following her around the house. At the end of my long days I like to curl up on the couch with my brother and go to bed. So far I am settling in wonderfully in my new home, I am quiet for a pig, and I have found that being picked up is actually nice.



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